Legends:Solo Arena/Lightblade


The Deadly

LG-arena-Imperial 1.png
ClassWillpowerEnduranceEndurance Spellsword
Prophecies Prophecy1x Healing Potion
AttributesWillpower 15Endurance 15Endurance 11Neutral 4
RarityCommon 20Rare 20Rare 7Epic 2Legendary 2Legendary 1


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
1EnduranceHealing HandsAction01Common CommonHeal a creature, then give it +1/+1.
1WillpowerCheydinhal SapperCreature (Imperial)1131Common CommonDrain
2WillpowerElixir of VitalitySupport11Common CommonUses: 3

Activate: Gain 2 health.

1EnduranceEncumbered ExplorerCreature (Imperial)1232Rare RareShackle Encumbered Explorer after he attacks.
1WillpowerSolitude StalwartCreature (Imperial)1221Common Common
2EnduranceDaedric DaggerItem21Common CommonLethal
1WillpowerDetainAction22Rare RareShackle a creature.
1WillpowerHealing Potion ProphecyAction21Common CommonProphecy
Gain 5 health.
1WillpowerKvatch SoldierCreature (Imperial)2231Common CommonGuard
2WillpowerPriest of the EightCreature (Imperial)2211Common CommonSummon: Draw a card if you have two other Willpower creatures.
1NeutralReachman ShamanCreature (Reachman)2221Common CommonAt the start of your turn, give another random friendly creature +1/+1.
1WillpowerSnow WolfCreature (Wolf)2132Rare Rare+2/+0 while you have the most creatures in this lane.
1EnduranceYew ShieldItem22Rare RareGuard
Summon: +1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.
2NeutralHorned HelmItem31Common Common+2/+3
2WillpowerPack WolfCreature (Wolf)3221Common CommonSummon: Summon a 1/1 Young Wolf in the other lane.
1EndurancePlea to KynarethAction32Rare RareHeal all friendly creatures in a lane, then give them all +1/+1.
1WillpowerAlpha WolfCreature (Wolf)4313Epic EpicOther friendly Wolves have +2/+0.
1EnduranceGloom WraithCreature (Spirit)4332Rare RareBreakthrough
Summon: +1/+1 for each other friendly Endurance creature.
1WillpowerHive WarriorCreature (Kwama)4632Rare RareBreakthrough
1NeutralKnife to the ThroatAction41Common CommonSilence a creature.
Draw a card.
1EnduranceRestoration TutorCreature (Imperial)4341Common CommonSummon: Heal a creature.
1EnduranceCave BearCreature (Beast)5561Common Common
1EnduranceStampeding MammothCreature (Mammoth)5463Epic EpicBreakthrough
Stampeding Mammoth has +2/+0 for each other friendly creature with Breakthrough.
1EnduranceStonehill MammothCreature (Mammoth)6571Common CommonSummon: Draw a card if you have two other Endurance creatures.
1WillpowerRising LegateCreature (Imperial)7554Legendary LegendaryBreakthrough
Summon: Summon a 1/1 Imperial Grunt.

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