Legends:Solo Arena/Skooma Gang

Skooma Gang

The Victorious

LG-arena-Khajiit 3.png
ClassWillpowerAgilityAgility Monk
Prophecies Prophecy2x Brotherhood Slayer, 2x Daring Cutpurse, 1x Dune Stalker
AttributesWillpower 6Agility 6Agility 24
RarityCommon 11Rare 11Rare 12Epic 4Legendary 4Legendary 3


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
2WillpowerCalmAction01Common CommonGive a creature -4/-0 this turn.
2AgilityCurseAction02Rare RareGive a creature -1/-1.
2AgilityBrotherhood SanctuarySupport12Rare RareOngoing

When a friendly creature Slays, it receives its reward an extra time.

1WillpowerExecuteAction11Common CommonDestroy a creature with 2 power or less.
1AgilityShadow ShiftAction11Common CommonMove a friendly creature.
Draw a card.
2WillpowerBlood Pact MessengerCreature (Khajiit)2112Rare RarePilfer: Draw two cards. Sacrifice Blood Pact Messenger at the end of the turn.
2AgilityDaring Cutpurse ProphecyCreature (Khajiit)2221Common CommonProphecy
Pilfer: +1/+1
1AgilityDune Stalker ProphecyCreature (Khajiit)2312Rare RareProphecy
Summon: Move another friendly creature in this lane.
2AgilityGoblin SkulkCreature (Goblin)3232Rare RarePilfer: Draw a random 0-cost card from your deck.
1AgilityGrand BallAction22Rare RareMove all friendly creatures
3AgilitySkooma UnderbossCreature (Khajiit)2231Common CommonFriendly Pilfer abilities are also Slay abilities.
2AgilityBrotherhood Slayer ProphecyCreature (Wood Elf)3331Common CommonProphecy
Slay: Put a Completed Contract into your hand.
1AgilityDune SmugglerCreature (Khajiit)3312Rare RareSummon: Move another friendly creature in this lane.
When a friendly creature moves, give it +1/+1.
1AgilityMalefic WreathAction32Rare RareGive a creature -2/-2.
1AgilityTenmar SwiftclawCreature (Khajiit)4223Epic EpicPilfer: +1/+1
May attack an extra time each turn.
1WillpowerThe Black DragonCreature (Imperial)4554Legendary LegendaryImmune to Lethal.
Slay: Discard all creatures from your opponent’s deck with the same name as the slain creature.
1AgilityThieves’ DenSupport44Legendary LegendaryOngoing

Friendly creatures have “Pilfer: +1/+1.”

2AgilityPahmar-raht RenegadeCreature (Khajiit)5463Epic EpicSlay: Draw a card.
1AgilityQuin’rawl BurglarCreature (Khajiit)6444Legendary LegendaryDrain
Pilfer: +4/+4
1AgilityEclipse BaronessCreature (Dark Elf)8553Epic EpicSummon and Last Gasp: Draw a card and reduce its cost by 2.

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