Legends:Practice/Swarming Tactician

Swarming Tactician

The Conqueror

ClassWillpowerAgilityAgilityEndurance The Empire of Cyrodiil
ThemeCreatures in both lanes
Prophecies Prophecy3x Illusory Defenses, 3x Outflank, 3x Midnight Sweep
AttributesWillpower 30Agility 30Agility 20Endurance 15Triple Attribute 15Triple Attribute 10
RarityCommon 24Rare 24Rare 27Epic 20Legendary 20Legendary 4


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
3WillpowerSound the AlarmAction01Common CommonEnemy creatures lose Cover.
3AgilityBewildering SpeedAction12Rare RareMove a friendly creature in each lane and give them +1/+1.
3WillpowerIllusory Defenses ProphecyAction11Common CommonProphecy
Summon a 0/5 Illusory Wall with Guard in each lane. Sacrifice them at the start of your turn.
3WillpowerOutflank ProphecyAction11Common CommonProphecy
Give a friendly creature in each lane +0/+2 and Guard.
3WillpowerScouting PatrolAction11Common CommonSummon a 1/1 Imperial Grunt in each lane.
3EnduranceImperial LackeyCreature (Imperial)2222Rare RareLast Gasp: If you have another creature on each lane, summon a 1/1 Recruit in each lane.
3WillpowerAgilityAgilityEnduranceEmpire RecruiterCreature (Imperial)2232Rare RarePilfer: Summon a 1/1 Recruit in the other lane.
3AgilityDaring HeistAction32Rare RareDraw two cards.
Daring Heist can’t be played unless a creature in each lane damaged your opponent this turn.
3EnduranceSupply RunnerCreature (Imperial)3311Common CommonSummon: If you have another creature in each lane, gain +1 max magicka.
3WillpowerPit LionCreature (Beast)3553Epic EpicPit Lion can’t be played unless there’s a friendly creature in each lane.
3WillpowerEnduranceEnduranceSpellsword’s SummoningAction32Rare RareSummon a random 1-cost creature in each lane.
3WillpowerAgilityAgilityEnduranceTransitus ShrineSupport33Epic EpicOngoing

While you have a creature in each lane, your creatures and actions cost 1 less.

3WillpowerTwo-Moons ContemplationSupport32Rare RareOngoing

If your opponent doesn’t damage you on their turn, sacrifice this and summon a Priest of the Moons in each lane.

3WillpowerBruma OppressorCreature (Imperial)4332Rare RareSummon: If you have another creature in each lane, set a creature’s power to 1.
3WillpowerFortress GuardCreature (Imperial)4342Rare RareGuard
Summon: You may discard a card to summon a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard in the other lane.
3WillpowerLegion Zero TemplarCreature (Imperial)4251Common CommonGuard
Summon: If you have another creature in each lane, +0/+3.
3EnduranceMidnight Sweep ProphecyAction42Rare RareProphecy
Summon a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard in each lane.
3EnduranceStrategic DeploymentAction41Common CommonSummon two 1/1 Recruits in each lane.
3AgilityCamoran Scout LeaderCreature (Wood Elf)5223Epic EpicSummon: Summon a 2/2 Wood Elf Scout with Charge in each lane with a Wounded enemy creature.
3AgilityDaedric TitanCreature (Daedra)5643Epic EpicWhile you have another creature in each line, Daedric Titan has Drain and your opponent can’t target it with actions.
3WillpowerKwama QueenCreature (Kwama)5443Epic EpicPlot: Summon a 1/1 Kwama Forager in each lane.
Other friendly Kwama have +1/+0.
1WillpowerAgilityAgilityEnduranceClivia TharnCreature (Imperial)6444Legendary LegendaryOther friendly creatures in this lane have Guard. At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Recruit in each lane.
3EnduranceBishop of the HourCreature (Imperial)6553Epic EpicSummon: If you have another creature in each lane, give the top creature of your deck +5/+5.
3AgilityEmpire DreadmageCreature (Imperial)7751Common CommonSummon: If you have another creature in each lane, give a creature -2/-2.
3AgilityCliff Racer OnslaughtAction94Legendary LegendarySummon a 4/4 Cliff Racer with Charge in each lane. Your opponent summons a 0/1 Target with Guard in each lane.
2AgilityChaurus Breeding PitAction103Epic EpicSummon a Chaurus Reaper in each lane.

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