Legends:Solo Arena/The Terror of Cyrodiil

The Terror of Cyrodiil

The Victorious

LG-arena-Imperial 2.png
ClassWillpowerEnduranceEndurance Spellsword
Prophecies Prophecy1x Healing Potion, 1x Knight of the Hour, 1x Mentor of the Watch, 1x Midnight Snack
AttributesWillpower 13Endurance 13Endurance 14Neutral 3
RarityCommon 21Rare 21Rare 7Epic 2


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
1EnduranceHealing HandsAction01Common CommonHeal a creature, then give it +1/+1.
1WillpowerSeptim GuardsmanCreature (Imperial)0122Rare RareGuard
1WillpowerExecuteAction11Common CommonDestroy a creature with 2 power or less.
1WillpowerSolitude StalwartCreature (Imperial)1221Common Common
1EnduranceAncient LookoutCreature (Skeleton)2231Common CommonWhen you summon a Dragon, summon a 1/1 Draugr Sentry with Guard.
1WillpowerBruma ProfiteerCreature (Imperial)2322Rare RareWhen you summon another creature, you gain 1 health.
1WillpowerHealing Potion ProphecyAction21Common CommonProphecy
Gain 5 health.
1WillpowerKvatch SoldierCreature (Imperial)2231Common CommonGuard
1NeutralMidnight Snack ProphecyCreature (Nord)2221Common CommonProphecy, Guard
Last Gasp: Reduce the cost of a random Dragon in your hand by 1.
2EnduranceOldgate WardenCreature (Breton)2051Common CommonGuard, Regenerate
1EnduranceBlackrose HerbalistCreature (Argonian)3243Epic EpicAt the start of your turn, heal another random friendly creature.
2WillpowerCall of ValorAction31Common CommonShout

Level 1: Summon a 3/3 Sovngarde Hero.
Level 2: Summon two 3/3 Sovngarde Heroes.
Level 3: Fill a lane with 3/3 Sovngarde Heroes.

1WillpowerCliffside LookoutCreature (Nord)3251Common CommonWhen you summon a Dragon, Cliffside Lookout gains +1/+1.
1EnduranceMentor of the Watch ProphecyCreature (Imperial)3221Common CommonProphecy, Guard
Summon: Give a creature in your hand Guard.
1EnduranceMistveil WardenCreature (Imperial)3241Common CommonTreasure HuntGuard: Give the Guard +1/+2.
2EnduranceTree MinderCreature (Argonian)3111Common CommonGuard
Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
1EnduranceAngry GrahlCreature (Troll)4243Epic EpicRegenerate
Summon: +2/+2 if your opponent has more cards in hand.
1WillpowerDevourAction42Rare RareDestroy a creature with 4 power or less and give its Keywords to a random Dragon in your hand.
2NeutralDragon AspectAction42Rare RareShout

Level 1: You gain 3 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 3 power.
Level 2: You gain 5 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 5 power.
Level 3: You gain 7 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 7 power.

1EnduranceDragonplate ArmorItem41Common Common+2/+2
Summon: +2/+2 if you have a Dragon in your discard pile.
1EnduranceRestoration TutorCreature (Imperial)4341Common CommonSummon: Heal a creature.
1WillpowerRevered GuardianCreature (Dragon)4441Common CommonGuard
1WillpowerKarthspire ScourgeCreature (Dragon)5442Rare RareSummon: Give all enemy creatures in this lane -1/-0.
1WillpowerKnight of the Hour ProphecyCreature (Imperial)5331Common CommonProphecy, Guard
Summon: You gain 3 health.
1EnduranceSpine of EldersbloodCreature (Dragon)6662Rare RareSummon: Gain +1 max magicka.
1EnduranceIronscale DragonCreature (Dragon)7771Common CommonRegenerate

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