Legends:Solo Arena/Ruler of the Marsh

Ruler of the Marsh

The Victorious

LG-arena-Argonian 3.png
ClassAgilityEnduranceEndurance Scout
Prophecies Prophecy2x Cursed Spectre, 2x Lurking Mummy
AttributesAgility 10Endurance 10Endurance 17Dual Attribute 3
RarityCommon 12Rare 12Rare 4Epic 7Legendary 7Legendary 7


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
2EnduranceHist SpeakerCreature (Argonian)2221Common CommonWhile Hist Speaker is in play, your max magicka is increased by 1.
2AgilityMurkwater WitchCreature (Goblin)2112Rare RareGuard
Summon: Give a creature -1/-1.
2EnduranceStormhold HenchmanCreature (Argonian)2221Common Common+2/+2 while you have 7 or more max magicka.
2AgilityThieves Guild RecruitCreature (Argonian)2121Common CommonSummon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1.
2EnduranceTree MinderCreature (Argonian)3111Common CommonGuard
Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
2EnduranceBlack Marsh WardenCreature (Argonian)4224Legendary LegendaryAt the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Argonian Recruit. If you have 7 or more max magicka, summon a 3/3 Argonian Veteran instead.
2EnduranceCursed Spectre ProphecyCreature (Spirit)4221Common CommonProphecy
Summon: Silence another creature.
2EndurancePreserver of the RootCreature (Argonian)4443Epic Epic+2/+2 and Guard while you have 7 or more max magicka.
2AgilityTerritorial ViperCreature (Reptile)4112Rare RareCharge, Lethal
2AgilityGiant SnakeCreature (Reptile)5333Epic EpicSummon: Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
2EnduranceLurking Mummy ProphecyCreature (Mummy)5261Common CommonProphecy, Guard
2AgilityEnduranceEnduranceThorn HistmageCreature (Argonian)5243Epic EpicGuard
Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
Gains +1/+0 when your max magicka increases.
1EnduranceFlesh AtronachCreature (Daedra, Atronach)6113Epic EpicSummon: +1/+1 for each creature in your discard pile.
1EnduranceNahagliivCreature (Dragon)7774Legendary LegendaryGuard
Your opponent can’t target Nahagliiv with actions.
1EnduranceBlood Magic LordCreature (Vampire)9664Legendary LegendarySummon and Slay: Put a Blood Magic Spell into your hand.
1AgilityEnduranceEnduranceRed BrammanCreature (Argonian)9554Legendary LegendarySummon: Silence and Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
1AgilityTazkad the PackmasterCreature (Goblin)9664Legendary LegendaryBreakthrough, Charge
Last Gasp: Summon a 4/4 Durzog.
1AgilityNest of VipersAction104Legendary LegendaryFill a lane with Territorial Vipers.

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