
Creature (Breton)
Deck code ID hR
Card Set LG-icon-Isle of Madness.png Isle of Madness
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png4
Attribute Neutral Neutral
Power Power 3 Health Health 5
Rarity Legendary Legendary
At the end of your turn, Haskill chooses a cost.

When you play a card with the chosen cost, draw a card. Then Haskill chooses a new cost.

Haskill is a unique legendary Neutral creature card. It is available as part of the Isle of Madness story set.

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When summoned:

“Summoned again? I applaud you.”

When attacking:

“I assume you’re having fun?”


  • The number Haskill chooses is at random between 0 and your max magicka (or 12, if your max magicka is over 12).
  • The UESP exclusively revealed this card prior to the release of Isle of Madness.
  • Haskill previously appeared in the Shivering Isles expansion for Oblivion.

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