Legends:Practice/Grahtwood Marksman

Grahtwood Marksman

The Victorious

ClassStrengthAgilityAgility Archer
Prophecies Prophecy2x Grahtwood Ambusher, 3x Sharpshooter Scout
AttributesStrength 24Agility 24Agility 22Dual Attribute 4
RarityCommon 22Rare 22Rare 14Epic 13Legendary 13Legendary 1


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
2AgilityArrow in the KneeAction11Common CommonShackle a creature and deal 1 damage to it.
3StrengthRapid ShotAction11Common CommonDeal 1 damage to a creature. If it survives, draw a card.
3StrengthSharpshooter Scout ProphecyCreature (Wood Elf)1111Common CommonProphecy
Summon: Deal 1 damage.
3AgilityVoracious SprigganCreature (Spriggan)1211Common CommonDrain
1StrengthBone BowItem22Rare Rare+1/+0
Summon: Silence another creature.
3AgilityFinish OffAction21Common CommonDestroy a Wounded enemy creature.
3StrengthSilvenar TrackerCreature (Wood Elf)2312Rare RareSummon: Gains Charge if there is a Wounded enemy creature in this lane.
2StrengthAssassin’s BowItem32Rare Rare+3/+0
Summon: Give the wielder Cover at the end of turn.
2AgilityGreenheart KnightCreature (Wood Elf)3151Common CommonCharge
1StrengthSkaven PyromancerCreature (Redguard)3231Common CommonSummon: Deal 1 damage to all other creatures in this lane.
1AgilitySkooma RacketeerCreature (Khajiit)3222Rare RareSummon: Give a creature Lethal.
3StrengthValenwood HuntsmanCreature (Wood Elf)3311Common CommonSummon: Deal 1 damage.
2StrengthEarthbone SpinnerCreature (Wood Elf)4323Epic EpicSummon: Silence another creature, then deal 1 damage to it.
2StrengthFireballAction42Rare RareDeal 1 damage to all enemies.
3AgilityGreen Pact StalkerCreature (Wood Elf)4342Rare RareGuard
Summon: +2/+2 if there is a Wounded enemy creature in this lane.
2StrengthRampaging MinotaurCreature (Minotaur)4322Rare RareBreakthrough, Charge
2AgilityCamoran Scout LeaderCreature (Wood Elf)5223Epic EpicSummon: Summon a 2/2 Wood Elf Scout with Charge in each lane with a Wounded enemy creature.
2StrengthGrahtwood Ambusher ProphecyCreature (Wood Elf)5423Epic EpicProphecy
Summon: Deal 1 damage to all enemy creatures in this lane.
3AgilityLeaflurkerCreature (Wood Elf)5433Epic EpicSummon: Destroy a Wounded creature.
1StrengthAgilityAgilityAllena BenochCreature (Wood Elf)6114Legendary LegendaryLethal
Summon: Deal 1 damage.
2AgilityHighland LurcherCreature (Lurcher)6751Common Common
1AgilityWild BeastcallerCreature (Spriggan)6343Epic EpicSummon: Summon a random Animal.
3StrengthAgilityAgilityFalinesti ReaverCreature (Wood Elf)8553Epic EpicSummon: Destroy all Wounded enemy creatures in this lane.

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