Deck List

deck-list-1135 Deck
3 Rapid Shot
3 Sharpshooter Scout
1 Ungolim the Listener
3 Fighters Guild Recruit
2 Finish Off
3 Murkwater Witch
2 Thieves Guild Recruit
3 House Kinsman
3 Skaven Pyromancer
2 Varanis Courier
3 Earthbone Spinner
3 Moonlight Werebat
3 Murkwater Shaman
2 Blood Dragon
3 Leaflurker
2 Soulrest Marshal
3 Quin’rawl Burglar
3 Triumphant Jarl
2 Falinesti Reaver
1 Tazkad the Packmaster

Tvp9 Fire Archer (outdated)

3 [card]Rapid Shot[/card]
3 [card]Sharpshooter Scout[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
2 [card]Finish Off[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Witch[/card]
2 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]House Kinsman[/card]
3 [card]Skaven Pyromancer[/card]
2 [card]Varanis Courier[/card]
3 [card]Earthbone Spinner[/card]
3 [card]Moonlight Werebat[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Shaman[/card]
2 [card]Blood Dragon[/card]
3 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
2 [card]Soulrest Marshal[/card]
3 [card]Quin’rawl Burglar[/card]
3 [card]Triumphant Jarl[/card]
2 [card]Falinesti Reaver[/card]
1 [card]Tazkad the Packmaster[/card]
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Archer deck
50 cards
1 Rapid Shot 3

Rapid Shot

1 Sharpshooter Scout 3

Sharpshooter Scout

1 Ungolim the Listener 1

Ungolim the Listener

2 Fighters Guild Recruit 3

Fighters Guild Recruit

2 Finish Off 2

Finish Off

2 Murkwater Witch 3

Murkwater Witch

2 Thieves Guild Recruit 2

Thieves Guild Recruit

3 House Kinsman 3

House Kinsman

3 Skaven Pyromancer 3

Skaven Pyromancer

3 Varanis Courier 2

Varanis Courier

4 Earthbone Spinner 3

Earthbone Spinner

4 Moonlight Werebat 3

Moonlight Werebat

4 Murkwater Shaman 3

Murkwater Shaman

5 Blood Dragon 2

Blood Dragon

5 Leaflurker 3


5 Soulrest Marshal 2

Soulrest Marshal

6 Quin’rawl Burglar 3

Quin'rawl Burglar

6 Triumphant Jarl 3

Triumphant Jarl

8 Falinesti Reaver 2

Falinesti Reaver

8 Tazkad the Packmaster 1

Tazkad the Packmaster


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By: Tvp9
View other Decks by Tvp9
Posted: 2 months ago, edited 1 day ago
Crafting Cost: 16900crystal
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.


This deck is outdated, I haven’t played for 2 months now.

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Tvp9 2 months ago
Mid-range is somewhere between aggresive and control, you look to establish a lot of tempo early, I mulligan usually like this keep all 2 drops apart from finish off. I keep House Kinsman and Varanis Courier at 3, mulligan away Skhaven Pyromancer( I keep it only when I go against tokens usually yellow/purple). Anything higher than this I mulligan away. I keep Earthbone Spinner in my hand when I play against ward decks as it’s always useful. If I have a 2 drop I usually mulligan the other 2 drops, with the exception: if I have a murkwater savage in my hand I usually keep another 2 drop to ensure that he will be buffed.

Der3zzed 2 months ago
Awesome deck man thanks for sharing! I just hit legend with 27-6 ratio. Defeats basically went from stacked ongoings I couldn’t remove , but overall that’s the best decks I tested so far. The ton of answers makes it very enjoyable :)

DasBrando 2 months ago
Deshaan Avenger feels like an under-utilized slot. Has the 1-off ever made a difference for you?

Tvp9 2 months ago
I’m using another quin’raw burglar now, but the list was like this when I reached #1 so I left it like that, some cards are changeable to cards you like but for the core cards that are irreplaceabe check the guide on bethesda I posted.

Pvt. PinguS 2 months ago
i’m rank 5 with this deck, i’m very sure i’m +90% winrate so far.

i kinda feel this is a control deck, you counter the aggro decks in start, but then you come to late game and you can put your big dudes on board. but i might be wrong i dunno ^^. midrange/control dunno really xD, playing on curve tho.

i love this deck, it’s my playstyle.

Senfol 1 month ago
thx for this

Snorlax 1 month ago
Nice deck, I have been griding ranks with it for a while now, hope to achieve legend with it :)
I am using your F2P version and adding the cards for the final version when I get enough souls

itzlolo 1 month ago
hey tvp9 thanks for this awesome deck! on the bethesda forum guide you wrote that you would run 3 quin rawl burglar, i have 3 of them which cards would you replace them with?

1 Reply
Tvp9 1 month ago
I would take out the avenger but again, play with the deck and see what would you like to play, there are some interchangable cards, but for the core cards that you must not replace you can see my small guide on bethesda forums

Hit legend yesterday with this deck. Changed a few cards, but the bulk of it came from this. Thanks! <3

Created an account just to upvote, great deck mate :)

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