Legends:Graceful Myrmidon

Graceful Myrmidon
Creature (Imperial)
LG-card-Graceful Myrmidon.png
Card SetLG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png5
AttributeWillpower Willpower
PowerPower 4HealthHealth 4
RarityCommon Common

Graceful Myrmidon is a common Willpower creature card. It is not obtainable as part of your collection, but appears in the Ladies and Gentlemen! match of The Forgotten Hero campaign.


When summoned:

“Only one of us leaves here alive.”

“I shall be victorious!”

“I’m more woman than you can handle.”

When attacking:

“Bleed for the crowd!”

“Your defense is pitiful.”

“Didn’t expect THIS, did you?”


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