Legends:Luzrah gro-Shar

Luzrah gro-Shar
Creature (Orc)
LG-card-Luzrah gro-Shar.png
Deck code ID jV
Card Set LG-icon-Isle of Madness.png Isle of Madness
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png2
Attribute Intelligence Intelligence
Power Power 2 Health Health 3
Rarity Legendary Legendary
When you summon a creature with 6 cost or more, both Luzrah and that creature gain +1/+1.

Luzrah gro-Shar is a unique legendary Intelligence creature card. It is available as part of the Isle of Madness story set.

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When summoned:

“La Da Da Di Daaa. No, that’s not right.”

When attacking:

“La Da Di Da Da! Ugh… I’ll get it yet!”


  • This card’s ability applies the Heroic Ballad card effect.
  • This card’s ability was changed from “+2/+2” to “+1/+1” in Patch 2.13.
  • As a female Orc, Luzrah’s name doesn’t follow the usual Orcish gender naming rules where “gro” is masculine and “gra” is feminine. It was revealed in an interview that when the error was caught, it was too late to fix the voice over involving her name.

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