Legends:Solo Arena/Covenant Rogue

Covenant Rogue

The Clever

LG-arena-Daggerfall Covenant.png
ClassStrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceEndurance Daggerfall Covenant
Prophecies Prophecy1x Graystone Ravager, 1x Camlorn Sentinel, 1x Covenant Mail, 1x Covenant Plate, 1x Lurking Mummy, 1x Staff of Ice
AttributesStrength 8Intelligence 8Intelligence 10Endurance 8Neutral 8Neutral 3Triple Attribute 1
RarityCommon 23Rare 23Rare 7


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
1NeutralMaple ShieldItem01Common Common+0/+3
1IntelligenceCrown QuartermasterCreature (Redguard)1211Common CommonSummon: Put a Steel Dagger into your hand.
1IntelligenceCrucible BlacksmithCreature (Wood Elf)2011Common CommonSummon: Draw an item of your choice from your deck.
1EnduranceCruel AxeItem22Rare RareMobilize
Summon: +1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.
1StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceEnduranceDaggerfall PhantomCreature (Spirit)2222Rare RareLast Gasp: Return all items equipped to Daggerfall Phantom to your hand.
1StrengthEbonthread CloakItem22Rare RareMobilize
Summon: Your opponent can’t target the wielder with actions until your next turn.
1StrengthGraystone Ravager ProphecyCreature (Orc)2411Common CommonProphecy
1StrengthOrnamented SwordItem21Common CommonMobilize, Breakthrough
1EndurancePoisoned DaggerItem21Common CommonMobilize, Lethal
1StrengthRihad HorsemanCreature (Redguard)2221Common Common+3/+0 and Breakthrough while equipped with an item.
1IntelligenceSeyda Neen CourierCreature (Dark Elf)2011Common CommonSummon: Equip a +3/+0 Steel Sword to a friendly creature.
1StrengthBattlerage OrcCreature (Orc)3231Common CommonCharge
1IntelligenceCamlorn HeroCreature (Breton)3421Common CommonSummon: Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
1IntelligenceCamlorn Sentinel ProphecyCreature (Breton)3241Common CommonProphecy, Guard
1EnduranceCovenant Mail ProphecyItem31Common CommonProphecy, Mobilize, Guard
1StrengthCovenant Plate ProphecyItem31Common CommonProphecy, Mobilize, Guard
2NeutralEnlistment OfficerCreature (Imperial)3331Common CommonSummon: Give friendly Recruits +1/+1.
1IntelligenceExcavateAction32Rare RareDraw an item or support from your discard pile.
1StrengthFighters Guild BerserkerCreature (Orc)3421Common CommonExpertise: Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
1StrengthBog LurcherCreature (Lurcher)4912Rare Rare
1EnduranceLay Down ArmsAction42Rare RareSet a creature’s power and health to 1.
1EnduranceRestless TemplarCreature (Skeleton)4521Common CommonLast Gasp: Gain 5 health.
1IntelligenceLion Guard ArmamentsItem51Common CommonMobilize
1EnduranceLurking Mummy ProphecyCreature (Mummy)5261Common CommonProphecy, Guard
1IntelligenceStaff of Ice ProphecyItem52Rare RareProphecy, Mobilize
Summon: The wielder deals 2 damage.
1EnduranceBlack Marsh CenturionCreature (Argonian)6481Common CommonVeteran: Guard
1IntelligenceLame CorprusCreature (Ash Creature)6561Common Common
1IntelligenceSpirit KnifeAction71Common CommonDeal 7 damage to a creature. Draw a card.
1EnduranceSwamp LeviathanCreature (Reptile)7881Common Common

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