Legends:Veteran Gladiator

Veteran Gladiator
Creature (Imperial)
LG-card-Veteran Gladiator.png
Card Set LG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Availability Unobtainable
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png4
Attribute Willpower Willpower
Power Power 3 Health Health 3
Rarity Common Common

Veteran Gladiator is a common Willpower creature card. It is not obtainable as part of your collection, but instead appears in the Ladies and Gentlemen! match of The Forgotten Hero campaign.

Table of Contents


When summoned:

“This isn’t my first battle.”

“Don’t worry, I fight dirty.”

“I fight… because I must.”

When attacking:

“YOUR turn to die!”

“Oh, that must have hurt!”

“You won’t get up after THIS!”


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