Legends:Guildsworn Prowess

Guildsworn Prowess
ClassStrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceWillpower The Guildsworn
Default Banner ArtVanus Galerion
ReleaseAlliance War
Price1000 Gold or USD $7.99/€7.99
Deck CodeSPARfEmgrTcGsYqIfHowtetSfFuwkduDuEuekbAOgyimcJjDdvrCtioekcjHtjtRsGgqAKtnudtlmGlYdItmprkNtk
AttributesStrength 21Intelligence 21Intelligence 24Willpower 24Neutral 24Neutral 1Dual Attribute 1Triple Attribute 1Triple Attribute 4
RarityCommon 45Rare 45Rare 23Epic 6Legendary 6Legendary 1


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
1WillpowerCalmAction01Common CommonGive a creature -4/-0 this turn.
2StrengthCauterizeAction01Common CommonDeal 2 damage to a Wounded creature.
1WillpowerSound the AlarmAction01Common CommonEnemy creatures lose Cover.
3IntelligenceCrown QuartermasterCreature (Redguard)1211Common CommonSummon: Put a Steel Dagger into your hand.
2IntelligenceFireboltAction11Common CommonDeal 2 damage to a creature.
1IntelligenceRavaging ElixirSupport12Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.

3StrengthRapid ShotAction11Common CommonDeal 1 damage to a creature. If it survives, draw a card.
3StrengthSteel ScimitarItem11Common Common+2/+2
1WillpowerElixir of the DefenderSupport22Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Give a friendly creature Guard.

2StrengthFighters Guild HallSupport22Rare RareOngoing

When a friendly creature takes damage on your turn, give it +2/+0.

2StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceWillpowerGuildsworn Apprentice ProphecyCreature (Argonian)2122Rare RareProphecy, Guard
Summon: Draw a card.
3WillpowerGuildsworn RevitalizerCreature (Imperial)2151Common CommonExpertise: You gain 2 health.
3IntelligenceGuildsworn WayfarerCreature (Redguard)2221Common CommonExpertise: +1/+1
2WillpowerLegion ShieldItem22Rare RareGuard
2IntelligenceMages Guild RecruitCreature (Argonian)2121Common CommonSummon: Reduce the cost of an action in your hand by 2.
1StrengthPlunderAction23Epic EpicPut two random items into your hand.
2IntelligenceShrieking Harpy ProphecyCreature (Harpy)2212Rare RareProphecy
Summon: Shackle an enemy creature.
2IntelligenceWardcrafterCreature (Breton)2212Rare RareSummon: Give a creature a Ward.
2IntelligenceCamlorn Sentinel ProphecyCreature (Breton)3241Common CommonProphecy, Guard
1NeutralElixir of ConflictSupport32Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Give a creature +1/+1.

3StrengthFighters Guild BerserkerCreature (Orc)3421Common CommonExpertise: Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
1IntelligenceWillpowerWillpowerMage’s TrickAction32Rare RareDeal 1 damage, gain 1 health, and draw a card.
3StrengthMorkul Gatekeeper ProphecyCreature (Orc)3221Common CommonProphecy, Guard
Summon: Give a creature +2/+0.
3WillpowerRenowned InstructorCreature (Nord)3341Common CommonExpertise: Summon a 1/1 Recruit.
1WillpowerStrategist’s MapSupport32Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for you or your opponent.

1WillpowerTower AlchemistCreature (Imperial)3243Epic EpicYour Activated supports have unlimited uses.
2StrengthGuildsworn IncendiaryCreature (Nord)4262Rare RareExpertise: Deal 1 damage to all creatures in this lane.
2WillpowerHive DefenderCreature (Kwama)4362Rare RareGuard
2IntelligenceLightning Bolt ProphecyAction41Common CommonProphecy
Deal 4 damage.
1StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceWillpowerMaster of IncunabulaCreature (High Elf)4363Epic EpicMaster of Incunabula has the Expertise abilities of all your creatures.
1StrengthSkirmisher’s ElixirSupport42Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Give a creature +2/+0 and Breakthrough.

1IntelligenceElixir of DeflectionSupport52Rare RareUses: 3

Activate: Give a creature a Ward.

2WillpowerGuildsworn CavalierCreature (Breton)5332Rare RareExpertise: Give friendly creatures +1/+1.
3WillpowerGuildsworn OathmanCreature (Nord)5461Common CommonSummon: If you have a…
Strength card in play, put an Improvised Weapon into your hand.
Intelligence card in play, put an Improvised Weapon into your hand.
Intelligence card in play, put a Forked Bolt into your hand.
3WillpowerPiercing Javelin ProphecyAction51Common CommonProphecy
Destroy a creature.
1WillpowerWinterhold IllusionistCreature (Dark Elf)5331Common CommonSummon: Another creature disappears, then returns at the end of the turn.
2IntelligenceConjuration ScholarCreature (Redguard)6121Common CommonSummon: Summon a 5/5 Frost Atronach with Guard.
1IntelligenceMages Guild ConjurerCreature (Breton)6233Epic EpicExpertise: Summon a Flame Atronach, then upgrade the Atronach Mages Guild Conjurer summons.
1StrengthGuildsworn BloodlusterCreature (Nord)7443Epic EpicExpertise: +2/+2 and Battle an enemy creature in this lane.
1IntelligenceMages Guild RetreatSupport73Epic EpicOngoing

At the end of each turn, if you played two actions, summon a random Atronach.

1StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceWillpowerVanus GalerionCreature (High Elf)11334Legendary LegendaryExpertise: Deal 3 damage, you gain 3 health, and draw 3 cards.

See also  Legends:Regicide
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