Legends:Mankar’s Paradise

Mankar’s Paradise
ClassStrengthIntelligenceIntelligence Battlemage
Default Banner ArtMankar Camoran
ReleaseJaws of Oblivion
Price500 Gold or USD $4.99/€4.99
Deck CodeSPAFeTjRxLcrxgAGxtxNxPxZxixvALgyxrihrCmGzBjExpxmxlxq
AttributesStrength 23Intelligence 23Intelligence 23Neutral 3Dual Attribute 3Dual Attribute 1
RarityCommon 33Rare 33Rare 12Epic 4Legendary 4Legendary 1


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
3IntelligenceLesser WardAction01Common CommonGive a creature a Ward.
3NeutralOblivion InvasionAction01Common CommonInvade.
3IntelligenceFireboltAction11Common CommonDeal 2 damage to a creature.
3StrengthInvasion ScoutCreature (Daedra)1111Common CommonSummon: Invade.
3StrengthRapid ShotAction11Common CommonDeal 1 damage to a creature. If it survives, draw a card.
3StrengthAgent of Mehrunes DagonCreature (Imperial)2321Common CommonAt the end of each turn, if you Invaded, Agent of Mehrunes Dagon gains +1/+1.
3IntelligenceHigh Rock SummonerCreature (Breton)2112Rare RareSummon: Put a random Atronach into your hand.
3IntelligenceInvasion VanguardCreature (Daedra)2141Common CommonSummon: Invade.
2IntelligenceMythic Dawn InformerCreature (Dark Elf)2212Rare RareLast Gasp: Put a random Daedra into your hand.
3IntelligenceWardcrafterCreature (Breton)2212Rare RareSummon: Give a creature a Ward.
3IntelligenceBlast from Oblivion ProphecyAction31Common CommonProphecy
Invade, then deal damage equal to your Oblivion Gate’s level to a creature.
2StrengthBlood-Crazed DaedrothCreature (Daedra)3322Rare RareSummon: Draw a card if there is a Wounded creature in this lane.
3StrengthDaedric IncursionAction31Common CommonDraw a random Daedra from your deck.
2StrengthMehrunes Dagon’s FlayerCreature (Daedra)3252Rare RareAt the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to another friendly creature and give it +2/+0.
1IntelligenceBreton ConjurerCreature (Breton)4113Epic EpicWard
When Breton Conjurer’s Ward is broken, summon a 5/5 Frost Atronach with Guard.
1StrengthLumbering OgrimCreature (Daedra)4743Epic EpicLumbering Ogrim can’t gain Cover.
1StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceMankar CamoranCreature (High Elf, Wood Elf)4444Legendary LegendaryAfter you play an action, Invade.
Friendly Oblivion Gates have +4/+0.
2IntelligenceSigil KeeperCreature (Daedra)4341Common CommonSummon: Invade, then give Ward to all friendly Oblivion Gates.
2StrengthWidow DaedraCreature (Daedra)4531Common CommonWhen an enemy rune is destroyed, Invade.
2StrengthXivilai WarlordCreature (Daedra)4331Common CommonCharge, Guard
1StrengthDread ClannfearCreature (Daedra)6633Epic EpicSummon: All enemy creatures lose Guard.
1StrengthKeeper of the GatesCreature (Nord)6663Epic EpicWhen you Invade, Invade again.

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