

Endurance is one of the five attributes currently present in Legends. The official description is:

Endurance will overwhelm your enemy with sheer indomitability. It boasts the biggest creatures in Tamriel with everything from relentless hordes of undead to massive giants and trolls. And with strong guards, potent healing actions, and the ability to increase its Magicka, Endurance has the tools to ensure its monsters come out to play.


Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Ald Velothi Assassin Ald Velothi Assassin Creature (Breton) 2 1 2 2Rare Rare Lethal, Rally
Almalexia Almalexia Creature (God) 7 6 6 4Legendary Legendary Exalt 3: +6/+6.
Friendly Exalted creatures are immune to damage.
Almalexia's Disciple Almalexia’s Disciple Creature (Dark Elf) 2 2 3 2Rare Rare Exalt 2: Heal all friendly creatures.
Ancestral Dead Ancestral Dead Creature (Skeleton) 3 2 4 1Common Common Slay: Summon a Risen Dead.
Ancient Lookout Ancient Lookout Creature (Skeleton) 2 2 3 1Common Common When you summon a Dragon, summon a 1/1 Draugr Sentry with Guard.
Angry Grahl Angry Grahl Creature (Troll) 4 2 4 3Epic Epic Regenerate
Summon: +2/+2 if your opponent has more cards in hand.
Archein Elite Archein Elite Creature (Argonian) 4 3 5 2Rare Rare Lethal
Archein Venomtongue Archein Venomtongue Creature (Argonian) 4 1 4 2Rare Rare Lethal

Slay: Gain +1 max magicka.

Arise Arise Action 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon a 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard in each lane.
Aundae Clan Sorcerer Aundae Clan Sorcerer Creature (Vampire) 3 4 3 4Legendary Legendary At the end of your turn, if three or more creatures died this turn, put a random Blood Magic Spell into your hand.
Bal Isra Warrider Bal Isra Warrider Creature (Redguard) 5 3 6 1Common Common Rally
Baliwog Tidecrawlers Baliwog Tidecrawlers Creature (Grummite) 4 2 6 1Common Common Guard
Barrow Stalker Barrow Stalker Creature (Vampire) 2 2 3 2Rare Rare Drain, Guard
Betty Netch Betty Netch Creature (Netch) 5 0 5 2Rare Rare While Betty Netch is in play, your max magicka is increased by 2.
Bishop of the Hour Bishop of the Hour Creature (Imperial) 6 5 5 3Epic Epic Summon: If you have another creature in each lane, give the top creature of your deck +5/+5.
Black Marsh Centurion Black Marsh Centurion Creature (Argonian) 6 4 8 1Common Common Veteran: Guard
Black Marsh Prodigy Black Marsh Prodigy Creature (Argonian) 3 1 1 2Rare Rare Veteran: +4/+4
Black Marsh Warden Black Marsh Warden Creature (Argonian) 4 2 2 4Legendary Legendary At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Argonian Recruit. If you have 7 or more max magicka, summon a 3/3 Argonian Veteran instead.
Black Soul Gem Black Soul Gem Support 4 3Epic Epic Ongoing

When a friendly creature dies, give a random creature in your hand +1/+1.

Black Worm Necromancer Black Worm Necromancer Creature (Imperial) 6 4 4 2Rare Rare Summon: If you have more health than your opponent, summon a random creature from your discard pile.
Blackrose Herbalist Blackrose Herbalist Creature (Argonian) 3 2 4 3Epic Epic At the start of your turn, heal another random friendly creature.
Blackwood Alchemist Blackwood Alchemist Creature (Argonian) 3 1 4 1Common Common Gains +2/+0 when your max magicka increases.
Blades Defender Blades Defender Creature (Breton) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: Give a creature in the other lane +0/+2.
Bleakcoast Troll Bleakcoast Troll Creature (Troll) 4 5 5 2Rare Rare Slay: +1/+1
Blood Magic Lord Blood Magic Lord Creature (Vampire) 9 6 6 4Legendary Legendary Summon and Slay: Put a Blood Magic Spell into your hand.
Bloodline Outcast Bloodline Outcast Creature (Vampire) 7 7 7 1Common Common When a creature dies, Bloodline Outcast gains Drain this turn.
Bone Armor Bone Armor Item 2 2Rare Rare Summon: The wielder Consumes a creature and gains its health.
Bone Colossus Bone Colossus Creature (Skeleton) 7 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Fill this lane with 1/1 Skeletons.
Other friendly Skeletons have +1/+1.
Bonewalker Bonewalker Creature (Skeleton) 4 1 2 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
+1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.
Boneweaver Boneweaver Creature (Khajiit) 5 5 5 3Epic Epic Guard
Summon: Consume a creature. Draw a creature with the same name from your discard pile.
Brassilisk Brassilisk Creature (Fabricant) 3 2 2 2Rare Rare When Brassilisk takes damage and survives, summon a Brassilisk in the other lane.
Brotherhood Vampire Brotherhood Vampire Creature (Breton, Vampire) 2 1 2 3Epic Epic Summon: +1/+1 for each creature that died this turn.
Bruma Armorer Bruma Armorer Creature (Imperial) 3 2 2 2Rare Rare When you summon another creature, give it +0/+2.
Caius Cosades Caius Cosades Creature (Imperial) 4 3 4 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Look at two of your opponent’s cards. Guess the one in their hand. If you’re right, give all creatures in your hand +1/+1.
Caius' Machinations Caius’ Machinations Action 2 2Rare Rare Betray
Give the top three creatures of your deck +1/+1.
Cave Bear Cave Bear Creature (Beast) 5 5 6 1Common Common
Chieftain's Banner Chieftain’s Banner Support 3 2Rare Rare Ongoing

Friendly Orcs have +0/+2.

Cicero the Betrayer Cicero the Betrayer Creature (Imperial) 6 1 6 4Legendary Legendary Lethal
Slay: Draw two cards.
Cicero can attack friendly creatures.
City Guard City Guard Creature (Imperial) 2 2 3 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Companion Harbinger Companion Harbinger Creature (Nord) 3 3 3 2Rare Rare Beast Form: Give friendly Werewolves +1/+1.
Corrupted Shade Corrupted Shade Creature (Spirit) 4 5 5 3Epic Epic Ward
At the end of your turn, if Corrupted Shade doesn’t have a Ward, sacrifice it.
Covenant Mail Covenant Mail Item 3 1Common Common Prophecy, Mobilize, Guard
Cruel Axe Cruel Axe Item 2 2Rare Rare Mobilize
Summon: +1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.
Cursed Spectre Cursed Spectre Creature (Spirit) 4 2 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon: Silence another creature.
Daedric Crescent Daedric Crescent Item 3 1Common Common +2/+2
Slay: +1/+1
Daedric Dagger Daedric Dagger Item 2 1Common Common Lethal
Dark Anchor Dark Anchor Creature (Portal) 5 0 8 3Epic Epic Your Daedra cost 1 less.
When you draw a creature, transform it into a random Daedra.
Dark Guardian Dark Guardian Creature (Skeleton) 3 2 5 1Common Common Guard
When your opponent draws a Prophecy from a rune being destroyed, draw a card.
Dark Seducer Dark Seducer Creature (Daedra) 8 7 7 3Epic Epic Drain, Guard
Dark Seducer Drains on both turns.
Deadly Draugr Deadly Draugr Creature (Skeleton) 1 1 1 1Common Common Lethal
Death Hound Death Hound Creature (Beast, Vampire) 5 6 6 3Epic Epic Guard
Death Hound’s power is equal to its health.
Deathless Draugr Deathless Draugr Creature (Skeleton) 1 1 1 1Common Common Last Gasp: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton.
Determined Supplier Determined Supplier Creature (Breton) 4 1 4 1Common Common Guard
Last Gasp: Gain max magicka equal to Determined Supplier’s power.
Disciple of Namira Disciple of Namira Creature (Imperial) 5 3 3 3Epic Epic At the end of each turn, draw a card for each friendly creature that died in Disciple of Namira’s lane.
Doomcrag Vampire Doomcrag Vampire Creature (Vampire) 6 4 4 4Legendary Legendary Lethal
Other friendly creatures in this lane have Lethal.
Doomed Adventurer Doomed Adventurer Creature (Imperial) 1 1 1 2Rare Rare Last Gasp: Give a random creature in your hand +2/+2.
Dragon Cult Ghost Dragon Cult Ghost Creature (Spirit) 1 1 1 3Epic Epic Spend all your available magicka to play Dragon Cult Ghost. Its power and health are equal to the magicka spent.
Dragonplate Armor Dragonplate Armor Item 4 1Common Common +2/+2
Summon: +2/+2 if you have a Dragon in your discard pile.
Dragontail Savior Dragontail Savior Creature (Orc) 2 2 3 1Common Common Summon: +1/+0 for each enemy creature in this lane.
Dro-m'Athra Reaper Dro-m’Athra Reaper Creature (Khajiit, Spirit) 2 3 2 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Consume a creature.
When a creature leaves the your discard pile, Dro-m’Athra Reaper gains +0/+1 and you gain 1 health.
East Empire Crafter East Empire Crafter Creature (Imperial) 3 2 4 1Common Common When you summon another creature with 5 health or more, give it +1/+1 and Guard.
Elixir of Vigor Elixir of Vigor Support 2 2Rare Rare Uses: 3

Activate: Give a creature +0/+1.

Emperor Titus Mede II Emperor Titus Mede II Creature (Imperial) 4 1 4 4Legendary Legendary At the end of your turn, give the top creature of your deck +1/+1 and Guard.
Emperor's Attendant Emperor’s Attendant Creature (Redguard) 2 1 1 2Rare Rare Summon: Give a creature in your hand power and health equal to Emperor’s Attendant’s power.
Empire Oathman Empire Oathman Creature (Imperial) 4 4 4 1Common Common Summon: If you have a…
Agility card in play, give other friendly creatures +1/+0.
Willpower card in play, give other friendly creatures +1/+0.
Willpower card in play, give other friendly creatures +0/+1.
Enchanted Plate Enchanted Plate Item 2 1Common Common +0/+3
Summon: Draw a card.
Encumbered Explorer Encumbered Explorer Creature (Imperial) 1 2 3 2Rare Rare Shackle Encumbered Explorer after he attacks.
Expunge Expunge Action 2 2Rare Rare Heal a creature and give it immune to Shackle this turn. Draw a card.
Faded Wraith Faded Wraith Creature (Spirit) 5 1 3 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Draw cards equal to Faded Wraith’s power.
Falkreath Defiler Falkreath Defiler Creature (Imperial) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare Slay: Draw a creature from your discard pile.
Fallen Dragon Fallen Dragon Creature (Dragon) 5 5 10 1Common Common Summon: Fallen Dragon deals 5 damage to itself.
Fharun Defender Fharun Defender Creature (Orc) 2 1 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Flesh Atronach Flesh Atronach Creature (Daedra, Atronach) 6 1 1 3Epic Epic Summon: +1/+1 for each creature in your discard pile.
Frost Giant Frost Giant Creature (Giant) 8 10 10 4Legendary Legendary Regenerate
When a creature heals, you gain that much health.
Frost Troll Frost Troll Creature (Troll) 4 1 6 3Epic Epic Regenerate
When Frost Troll takes damage, it gains that much power.
Frostbite Spider Frostbite Spider Creature (Spider) 3 3 2 2Rare Rare Prophecy, Lethal
Galyn the Shelterer Galyn the Shelterer Creature (Dark Elf) 3 3 3 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Choose a creature or item in your hand. Shuffle three copies of it with +3/+3 into your deck.
Gloom Wraith Gloom Wraith Creature (Spirit) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare Breakthrough
Summon: +1/+1 for each other friendly Endurance creature.
Gravesinger Gravesinger Creature (Imperial) 10 6 6 3Epic Epic At the start of your turn, summon the highest cost creature from your discard pile and give it Charge. At the end of the turn, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Great Moot Squire Great Moot Squire Creature (Argonian) 1 1 2 1Common Common Veteran: +1/+1
Grim Champion Grim Champion Creature (Skeleton) 4 2 2 3Epic Epic When a creature in this lane dies, Grim Champion gains +1/+1.
Grim Shield-Brother Grim Shield-Brother Creature (Nord) 3 2 3 1Common Common Beast Form: +1/+1 and Drain.
Hackwing Feather Hackwing Feather Item 3 3Epic Epic Regenerate
Hallowed Deathpriest Hallowed Deathpriest Creature (Skeleton) 5 3 5 3Epic Epic Summon: Transform the highest cost creature in your opponent’s hand into a Shriveled Mummy.
Haunting Spirit Haunting Spirit Creature (Spirit) 3 3 3 2Rare Rare Last Gasp: Give a random friendly creature +3/+3.
Healing Hands Healing Hands Action 0 1Common Common Heal a creature, then give it +1/+1.
High Hrothgar High Hrothgar Support 4 4Legendary Legendary Ongoing

When you summon a creature, its power becomes equal to its health.

Hist Grove Hist Grove Support 4 3Epic Epic Ongoing

Summon: +1 max magicka.
At the start of your turn, if you have 15 or more max magicka, sacrifice this to summon an 8/8 Swamp Leviathan in each lane.

Hist Speaker Hist Speaker Creature (Argonian) 2 2 2 1Common Common While Hist Speaker is in play, your max magicka is increased by 1.
Hulking Fabricant Hulking Fabricant Creature (Fabricant) 5 5 5 1Common Common Summon: If you have a Neutral card in play, +3/+3.
Hulking Mummy Hulking Mummy Creature (Mummy) 4 6 6 3Epic Epic Summon: Shackle Hulking Mummy.
Hush Hush Action 1 2Rare Rare Prophecy
a creature.
Iliac Sorcerer Iliac Sorcerer Creature (Breton) 1 1 1 3Epic Epic Ward
When Iliac Sorcerer’s Ward is broken, double his power.
Imbued Argonian Imbued Argonian Creature (Argonian) 1 1 3 1Common Common Guard
When Imbued Argonian is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Guard.
Imperial Armor Imperial Armor Item 3 1Common Common +0/+6
Imperial Lackey Imperial Lackey Creature (Imperial) 2 2 2 2Rare Rare Last Gasp: If you have another creature on each lane, summon a 1/1 Recruit in each lane.
Imprisoned Deathlord Imprisoned Deathlord Creature (Skeleton) 4 7 7 3Epic Epic When an enemy creature is summoned, Shackle Imprisoned Deathlord.
Indomitable Ordinator Indomitable Ordinator Creature (Dark Elf) 5 5 5 3Epic Epic Guard
Exalt 1:
Your opponent can’t target Indomitable Ordinator with actions.
Indoril Mastermind Indoril Mastermind Creature (Dark Elf) 3 2 1 2Rare Rare Summon: Draw a card.
Innkeeper Delphine Innkeeper Delphine Creature (Breton) 3 2 3 4Legendary Legendary After you play a Dragon or Shout, Innkeeper Delphine changes into Grandmaster Delphine.
Iron Atronach Iron Atronach Creature (Daedra, Atronach) 12 12 12 4Legendary Legendary Breakthrough, Guard, Regenerate
Your opponent can’t target Iron Atronach with actions.
Ironscale Dragon Ironscale Dragon Creature (Dragon) 7 7 7 1Common Common Regenerate
Jyggalag's Incursion Jyggalag’s Incursion Action 3 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Each player gains +2 max magicka.
Karthspire Scout Karthspire Scout Creature (Orc) 1 1 1 2Rare Rare Last Gasp: Draw a card and increase its cost by 1.
Knight of Gnisis Knight of Gnisis Creature (Dark Elf) 3 2 3 3Epic Epic Rally
Summon: Put a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard into your hand.
Knight of Order Knight of Order Creature (Daedra) 4 2 2 2Rare Rare Summon: Silence all other creatures in this lane.
Lay Down Arms Lay Down Arms Action 4 2Rare Rare Set a creature’s power and health to 1.
Lich's Ascension Lich’s Ascension Support 7 4Legendary Legendary Ongoing

Your cards cost 0. You may play only one card per turn.

Lion Guard Strategist Lion Guard Strategist Creature (Breton) 4 2 3 3Epic Epic When you summon another creature in this lane, give it a Ward.
Little Girl Little Girl Creature (Vampire) 4 0 2 2Rare Rare At the start of your turn, Little Girl changes into a 5/5 Ageless Vampire with Drain.
Lowland Troll Lowland Troll Creature (Troll) 7 4 8 2Rare Rare Regenerate
Lucien Lachance Lucien Lachance Creature (Imperial) 4 1 5 4Legendary Legendary Lethal
When another friendly creature Slays, give it +2/+2.
Lurking Mummy Lurking Mummy Creature (Mummy) 5 2 6 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Mannimarco Mannimarco Creature (High Elf) 10 6 6 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Summon a creature from your opponent’s discard pile.
Mentor of the Watch Mentor of the Watch Creature (Imperial) 3 2 2 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Give a creature in your hand Guard.
Midnight Burial Midnight Burial Action 1 2Rare Rare Betray
Choose a creature in your deck. Create a copy of that creature in your discard pile and give it +1/+1.
Midnight Sweep Midnight Sweep Action 4 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Summon a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard in each lane.
Miscarcand Lich Miscarcand Lich Creature (Skeleton) 4 3 5 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Choose an enemy creature.

At the start of your turn, if the chosen creature is alive, summon a 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard in its lane.
Mistveil Warden Mistveil Warden Creature (Imperial) 3 2 4 1Common Common Treasure HuntGuard: Give the Guard +1/+2.
Moontouched Guardian Moontouched Guardian Creature (Khajiit) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare Wax: Give a creature in your hand +2/+2.
Wane: Guard and Ward.
Mountain Tyrant Mountain Tyrant Creature (Giant) 6 6 6 2Rare Rare Guard
Mournhold Pilgrim Mournhold Pilgrim Creature (Dark Elf) 4 4 4 1Common Common Regenerate
Exalt 3:
Mummify Mummify Action 3 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Transform a creature into a 2/2 Shriveled Mummy.
Mushroom Tower Mushroom Tower Support 9 3Epic Epic Ongoing

Your actions have Betray.

Mute Mute Action 1 1Common Common Silence two creatures.
Nahagliiv Nahagliiv Creature (Dragon) 7 7 7 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Your opponent can’t target Nahagliiv with actions.
Necromancer's Amulet Necromancer’s Amulet Support 3 3Epic Epic Ongoing

When a friendly creature dies, gain 1 health.

Nibenese Mercenary Nibenese Mercenary Creature (Imperial) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: Consume a creature to gain +0/+2.
Night Predator Night Predator Creature (Werewolf) 6 5 6 3Epic Epic Breakthrough, Regenerate
Night Shadow Night Shadow Creature (Vampire) 6 6 5 3Epic Epic Breakthrough, Drain
Night Talon Lord Night Talon Lord Creature (Vampire) 9 8 8 4Legendary Legendary Drain
Slay: Summon the slain creature.
Northpoint Captain Northpoint Captain Creature (Breton) 4 4 2 2Rare Rare Summon: Summon a 0/4 Northpoint Herald with Guard.
Odirniran Necromancer Odirniran Necromancer Creature (Dark Elf) 6 3 3 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Summon a creature from your discard pile with less power than Odirniran Necromancer.
Oldgate Warden Oldgate Warden Creature (Breton) 2 0 5 1Common Common Guard, Regenerate
Outland Patrol Outland Patrol Creature (Imperial) 3 3 4 1Common Common Last Gasp: Give a random creature in your hand +1/+1.
Plea to Kynareth Plea to Kynareth Action 3 2Rare Rare Heal all friendly creatures in a lane, then give them all +1/+1.
Poisoned Dagger Poisoned Dagger Item 2 1Common Common Mobilize, Lethal
Preserver of the Root Preserver of the Root Creature (Argonian) 4 4 4 3Epic Epic +2/+2 and Guard while you have 7 or more max magicka.
Prophet of Bones Prophet of Bones Creature (Dark Elf) 1 2 1 3Epic Epic Exalt 5: Fill this lane with 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard.
Pure-Blood Elder Pure-Blood Elder Creature (Vampire) 7 8 8 3Epic Epic When you gain max magicka, double the amount you gain.
While you have 18 or more max magicka, Pure-Blood Elder has +8/+8 and Breakthrough.
Quarra Clan Bloodkin Quarra Clan Bloodkin Creature (Vampire) 2 1 5 1Common Common Drain
Reanimate Reanimate Action 9 4Legendary Legendary Summon a creature from your discard pile.
Redoran Oathman Redoran Oathman Creature (Dark Elf) 4 3 3 1Common Common Summon: If you have a…
Willpower card in play, double Redoran Oathman’s health.
Strength card in play, double Redoran Oathman’s health.
Strength card in play, double Redoran Oathman’s power.
Restless Templar Restless Templar Creature (Skeleton) 4 5 2 1Common Common Last Gasp: Gain 5 health.
Restoration Tutor Restoration Tutor Creature (Imperial) 4 3 4 1Common Common Summon: Heal a creature.
Ring of Imaginary Might Ring of Imaginary Might Item 4 2Rare Rare +0/+2
Summon: The wielder’s power becomes equal to its health
Rising of Bones Rising of Bones Action 4 1Common Common Betray
Summon a 3/3 Risen Horror with Guard.
Ruin Shambler Ruin Shambler Creature (Mummy) 4 1 1 3Epic Epic Summon: Discard the top three cards of your deck, then Consume all creatures that entered your discard pile this turn. Ruin Shambler gains +1/+1 for each creature consumed.
Seeker of the Black Arts Seeker of the Black Arts Creature (Khajiit) 2 2 3 1Common Common Pilfer: Discard the top three cards of your deck.
Servant of Ja-Kha'jay Servant of Ja-Kha’jay Creature (Khajiit) 3 2 2 1Common Common Wax: +2/+2
Wane: Silence a creature.
Shadowfen Priest Shadowfen Priest Creature (Argonian) 5 4 4 3Epic Epic Summon: Silence another creature, or destroy an enemy support.
Siege Catapult Siege Catapult Creature (Imperial) 2 4 4 3Epic Epic Siege Catapult can’t attack unless your side of its lane is full.
Skeletal Dragon Skeletal Dragon Creature (Dragon, Skeleton) 8 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Summon: Give all creatures in your discard pile +2/+2.
Last Gasp: Draw another random creature from your discard pile.
Skeleton Champion Skeleton Champion Creature (Skeleton) 4 4 4 3Epic Epic Guard
Give other friendly Skeletons +1/+1.
Skinned Hound Skinned Hound Creature (Skeleton, Beast) 2 2 1 1Common Common Summon: Give a creature +0/+2 and Guard.
Skyshard Skyshard Support 3 3Epic Epic Ongoing

Summon: Draw a random creature from your deck.

When you draw a creature on your turn, increase its cost by 2 and give it +2/+2.
Smoked Baliwog Leg Smoked Baliwog Leg Action 0 1Common Common Heal a creature.
Soul Tear Soul Tear Action 3 1Common Common Shout

Level 1: Draw a creature from your discard pile.
Level 2: Draw a creature from your discard pile and give it +2/+2.
Level 3: Draw a creature from your discard pile and give it +5/+5.

Spine of Eldersblood Spine of Eldersblood Creature (Dragon) 6 6 6 2Rare Rare Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
Spiny Haj Mota Spiny Haj Mota Creature (Beast) 4 4 4 3Epic Epic Summon: +4/+4 for each Spiny Haj Mota in your discard pile.
Squish the Wimpy Squish the Wimpy Action 2 2Rare Rare A friendly creature Battles an enemy creature.
Stalking Shadowscale Stalking Shadowscale Creature (Argonian) 3 3 4 1Common Common Slay: +1/+1
Stalwart Ally Stalwart Ally Creature (Argonian) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: +0/+2 and Guard if the top card of your deck is Endurance.
Stampeding Mammoth Stampeding Mammoth Creature (Mammoth) 5 4 6 3Epic Epic Breakthrough
Stampeding Mammoth has +2/+0 for each other friendly creature with Breakthrough.
Steel-Eyed Visionary Steel-Eyed Visionary Creature (Argonian) 3 2 4 4Legendary Legendary Veteran: Set each friendly creature’s power equal to its health.
Steelheart Vanquisher Steelheart Vanquisher Creature (Orc) 2 2 2 2Rare Rare Slay: Give friendly Orcs +1/+1.
Stonehill Mammoth Stonehill Mammoth Creature (Mammoth) 6 5 7 1Common Common Summon: Draw a card if you have two other Endurance creatures.
Stonetooth Scrapper Stonetooth Scrapper Creature (Orc) 4 4 5 1Common Common
Stormhold Henchman Stormhold Henchman Creature (Argonian) 2 2 2 1Common Common +2/+2 while you have 7 or more max magicka.
Strategic Deployment Strategic Deployment Action 4 1Common Common Summon two 1/1 Recruits in each lane.
Supply Runner Supply Runner Creature (Imperial) 3 3 1 1Common Common Summon: If you have another creature in each lane, gain +1 max magicka.
Suppress Suppress Action 0 2Rare Rare Silence a creature.
Swamp Leviathan Swamp Leviathan Creature (Reptile) 7 8 8 1Common Common
Tavyar the Knight Tavyar the Knight Creature (High Elf) 5 3 5 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Your opponent can’t target other friendly creatures with actions.
The Gatekeeper The Gatekeeper Creature (Daedra) 5 6 6 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Only one creature in this lane can attack each turn.
Thornwell Terror Thornwell Terror Creature (Nord) 1 1 3 1Common Common Beast Form: +1/+1
Three Feather Warchief Three Feather Warchief Creature (Goblin) 3 1 3 2Rare Rare Summon: Set a creature’s health to 1.
Tree Minder Tree Minder Creature (Argonian) 3 1 1 1Common Common Guard
Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
Trespasser's Bane Trespasser’s Bane Action 2 1Common Common Set a creature’s power to 1.
Umaril the Unfeathered Umaril the Unfeathered Creature (Ayleid) 6 6 3 4Legendary Legendary Guard
When Umaril the Unfeathered leaves play, summon him in the other lane Silenced.
Vvardvark Experiment Vvardvark Experiment Action 0 2Rare Rare Summon a 0/1 Vvardvark in each lane.
Wake the Dead Wake the Dead Action 2 1Common Common Draw a Spirit or Skeleton creature of your choice from your deck and give it +0/+1.
Watch Commander Watch Commander Creature (Imperial) 5 4 4 2Rare Rare Summon: Give all friendly Guards +1/+2.
Waves of the Fallen Waves of the Fallen Action 8 3Epic Epic Transform all enemy creatures in a lane into 2/2 Stricken Draugrs, or transform all friendly creatures in a lane into 5/5 Hulking Draugrs.
Weakness Weakness Action 2 1Common Common Set a creature’s health to 1.
Whiterun Protector Whiterun Protector Creature (Nord) 5 4 4 2Rare Rare Beast Form: +2/+2, Guard, and Regenerate.
Whodunit? Whodunit? Action 8 3Epic Epic Costs 1 less for each creature in your discard pile.
Gain +2 max magicka.
Wind Keep Spellsword Wind Keep Spellsword Creature (Breton) 2 2 2 1Common Common Ward
Wrath of Sithis Wrath of Sithis Creature (Spirit) 6 5 6 2Rare Rare Summon: Your opponent’s cards cost 1 more next turn.
Wrothgar Artisan Wrothgar Artisan Creature (Orc) 3 2 3 1Common Common Summon: Give a creature +1/+1.
Wrothgar Kingpin Wrothgar Kingpin Creature (Orc) 2 1 1 3Epic Epic When you summon another Orc, Wrothgar Kingpin gains +1/+1.
Xavara Atronach Xavara Atronach Creature (Daedra, Atronach) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: You may sacrifice another creature to give Xavara Atronach its power and health.
Xivkyn Banelord Xivkyn Banelord Creature (Daedra) 7 1 7 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Summon: Set the health of each enemy creature in this lane to 1.
Yew Shield Yew Shield Item 2 2Rare Rare Guard
Summon: +1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.
Young Mammoth Young Mammoth Creature (Mammoth) 3 4 4 2Rare Rare Breakthrough
Zumog Phoom Zumog Phoom Creature (Orc) 6 4 6 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Choose another creature.

When the chosen creature dies, summon it as a 1/1.

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Legends Decks