Legends:Solo Arena/Master of Sorcery

Master of Sorcery

The Cunning

LG-arena-Master of Sorcery.png
Feature Match
ClassIntelligenceWillpowerWillpower Mage
Prophecies Prophecy2x Healing Potion, 2x Lightning Bolt, 2x Piercing Javelin
AttributesIntelligence 13Willpower 13Willpower 14Neutral 2Dual Attribute 2Dual Attribute 1
RarityCommon 20Rare 20Rare 4Epic 5Legendary 5Legendary 1


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

As one of the featured matches, Master of Sorcery begins the match with a unique scenario, intro, and announcement:

ScenarioStarts with Hex Ring in play.
Intro“Your opponent’s actions bring pain.”

Citizens! I give you the deadliest wizard in Tamriel… that was willing to show up today.

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
2IntelligenceLesser WardAction01Common CommonGive a creature a Ward.
1WillpowerAldmeri PatriotCreature (High Elf)1122Rare RareSummon: +1/+1 if you have an action in your hand.
2WillpowerExecuteAction11Common CommonDestroy a creature with 2 power or less.
2IntelligenceFireboltAction11Common CommonDeal 2 damage to a creature.
2WillpowerScouting PatrolAction11Common CommonSummon a 1/1 Imperial Grunt in each lane.
1IntelligenceCrystal Tower CrafterCreature (High Elf)2111Common CommonAfter you play an action, Crystal Tower Crafter gains +1/+1.
3WillpowerDetainAction22Rare RareShackle a creature.
2WillpowerHealing Potion ProphecyAction21Common CommonProphecy
Gain 5 health.
2IntelligenceIce SpikeAction21Common CommonDeal 2 damage to your opponent.
Draw a card.
1IntelligenceShimmerene PeddlerCreature (High Elf)2223Epic EpicAt the end of each turn, if you played two actions, draw a card.
1WillpowerArtaeum SavantCreature (High Elf)3143Epic EpicAfter you play an action, give a random friendly creature +1/+1.
2NeutralCrushing BlowAction31Common CommonDeal 3 damage.
1WillpowerAuridon PaladinCreature (High Elf)4441Common CommonWhen you play an action, Auridon Paladin gains Drain this turn.
2IntelligenceIce WraithCreature (Wraith)4223Epic EpicAt the start of your turn, put an Ice Spike into your hand.
2IntelligenceLightning Bolt ProphecyAction41Common CommonProphecy
Deal 4 damage.
1IntelligenceWillpowerWillpowerAyrennCreature (High Elf)5554Legendary LegendarySummon: Draw a random action from your discard pile.
Your actions cost 1 less.
2WillpowerPiercing Javelin ProphecyAction51Common CommonProphecy
Destroy a creature.
1IntelligenceWinter’s GraspAction53Epic EpicShackle all enemy creatures.

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