Legends:Practice/Deft Swordsman

Deft Swordsman

Covenant Warmage

ClassStrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceEndurance Daggerfall Covenant
Prophecies Prophecy3x Covenant Mail, 3x Covenant Plate, 3x Staff of Ice
AttributesStrength 18Intelligence 18Intelligence 30Endurance 9Dual Attribute 9Dual Attribute 11Triple Attribute 7
RarityCommon 15Rare 15Rare 34Epic 18Legendary 18Legendary 8


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
3EnduranceCruel AxeItem22Rare RareMobilize
Summon: +1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.
3StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceEnduranceDaggerfall PhantomCreature (Spirit)2222Rare RareLast Gasp: Return all items equipped to Daggerfall Phantom to your hand.
3StrengthEbonthread CloakItem22Rare RareMobilize
Summon: Your opponent can’t target the wielder with actions until your next turn.
3StrengthSalvageAction23Epic EpicChoose an item in your discard pile. Draw it and all items with the same name from your discard pile.
3StrengthOrnamented SwordItem21Common CommonMobilize, Breakthrough
3EndurancePoisoned DaggerItem21Common CommonMobilize, Lethal
3IntelligenceEmeric’s WarlordCreature (Breton)2144Legendary LegendaryYour items have Mobilize.
When a friendly Recruit equips an item, Emeric’s Warlord gains +1/+0.
3IntelligenceSkilled BlacksmithCreature (Redguard)2232Rare RareYour items cost 1 less.
3IntelligenceEnduranceEnduranceSorcerer’s NegationAction22Rare RareSilence a creature, then deal 2 damage to it.
3IntelligenceArcane EnchanterSupport33Epic EpicOngoing

When you draw an item, give it a random Keyword.

3EnduranceCovenant Mail ProphecyItem31Common CommonProphecy, Mobilize, Guard
3StrengthCovenant Plate ProphecyItem31Common CommonProphecy, Mobilize, Guard
3IntelligenceGardener of SwordsCreature (Redguard)3112Rare RareWhen you equip an item to another creature, equip a copy of it to Gardener of Swords.
3IntelligenceMaster SwordsmithCreature (Redguard)3232Rare RareAt the start of your turn, give each item in your deck +1/+1.
3IntelligenceDaggerfall MageCreature (Breton)3224Legendary LegendaryWard
When Daggerfall Mage’s Ward is broken, put a Tome of Alteration into your hand.
3StrengthRihad BattlemageCreature (Redguard)3331Common Common+0/+3 and Guard while equipped with an item.
2StrengthEnduranceEnduranceWarrior’s FuryAction32Rare RareGive a random creature and item in your hand +2/+2.
2StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceBattlemage’s OnslaughtAction42Rare RarePut a random action, item, and creature into your hand.
3IntelligenceCorsair ShipSupport42Rare RareOngoing

Summon: Summon a 1/1 Corsair.
When you summon a creature, equip it with a Steel Dagger.

3StrengthDushnikh Yal ArcherCreature (Orc)4333Epic EpicGuard
Summon: Deal 1 damage or destroy an enemy support.
3StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceSentinel BattlemaceItem43Epic EpicWard
3IntelligenceSparksmithCreature (Redguard)4442Rare RareWhen a friendly creature equips an item, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
3IntelligenceStaff of Ice ProphecyItem52Rare RareProphecy, Mobilize
Summon: The wielder deals 2 damage.
1IntelligenceEnduranceEnduranceHigh King EmericCreature (Breton)6554Legendary LegendaryWard
Summon: Deal 2 damage for each friendly creature with a Ward.
3IntelligenceMaster of ArmsCreature (Redguard)6443Epic EpicSummon: Master of Arms equips the two highest cost items from your discard pile.
3StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceEnduranceCovenant MasterpieceItem73Epic EpicMobilize, Breakthrough, Regenerate, Guard, Ward
1StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceEnduranceEmeric, Covenant KingCreature (Breton)9774Legendary LegendarySummon: Battle an enemy creature.

At the end of your turn, Emeric gains a Ward.

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