Legends:Solo Arena/Dagoth Enforcer

Dagoth Enforcer

The Victorious

LG-arena-Dagoth 2.png
ClassStrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceAgility House Dagoth
Theme>5 power creatures
Prophecies ProphecyNone
AttributesStrength 13Intelligence 13Intelligence 8Agility 7Triple Attribute 7Triple Attribute 2
RarityCommon 9Rare 9Rare 10Epic 8Legendary 8Legendary 3


AttributesRarityMagicka Curve

Deck List
QuantityAttributesNameType (Subtype)MagickaPowerHealthRarityAbility
1StrengthCorprus DiseaseAction12Rare RareSilence a creature, then give it +2/+0.
1IntelligenceSixth House AmuletItem11Common Common+1/+1
Summon: If the wielder has 5 power or more, it gains a Ward.
2AgilityAwakened DreamerCreature (Dark Elf)2232Rare RareAt the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, Awakened Dreamer gains +1/+1.
1AgilityDeranged CorprusCreature (Ash Creature)2011Common CommonDeranged Corprus has +5/+0 on your turn.
1IntelligenceDunmer NightbladeCreature (Dark Elf)2211Common CommonLast Gasp: Put an Iron Sword into your hand.
1AgilityMurkwater WitchCreature (Goblin)2112Rare RareGuard
Summon: Give a creature -1/-1.
1StrengthOrc Clan CaptainCreature (Orc)2222Rare RareOther friendly creatures in this lane have +1/+0.
2AgilityAsh OppressorCreature (Ash Creature)3431Common CommonSummon: If you have a creature with 5 power or more, Shackle an enemy creature.
1StrengthBlighted AlitCreature (Reptile)3533Epic EpicAt the start of your turn, Blighted Alit deals 2 damage to you.
2StrengthDagoth OathmanCreature (Ash Creature)3331Common CommonSummon: If you have a…
Agility card in play, +1/+1.
Intelligence card in play, +1/+1.
Intelligence card in play, +1/+1.
2IntelligenceVigilant AncestorCreature (Spirit)3543Epic EpicGuard
Vigilant Ancestor is permanently Shackled.
1StrengthAsh BerserkerCreature (Ash Creature)4332Rare RareAt the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, draw a card.
1IntelligenceAsh ServantCreature (Ash Creature)4222Rare RareSummon: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
1IntelligenceDres RenegadeCreature (Dark Elf)4442Rare RareGuard
Other friendly creatures are immune to Shackle.
1StrengthFalse IncarnateCreature (Dark Elf)4543Epic EpicYour opponent can’t gain health.
1StrengthFighters Guild StewardCreature (Nord)4332Rare RareSummon: A friendly creature with 5 or more power Battles an enemy creature.
1StrengthImposter’s MissionAction43Epic EpicSummon an Imposter with power and health equal to the power of your most powerful creature.
1StrengthLumbering OgrimCreature (Daedra)4743Epic EpicLumbering Ogrim can’t gain Cover.
1IntelligenceAsh PiercerCreature (Ash Creature)5342Rare RareSummon: Deal 3 damage to a creature if you have a creature with 5 power or more.
1StrengthFetcherfly GolemCreature (Daedra, Atronach)5553Epic EpicWhen Fetcherfly Golem takes damage and survives, summon a 2/2 Fetcherfly Swarm.
1StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceAgilityHand of DagothCreature (Ash Creature)5543Epic EpicBreakthrough, Drain, Ward
1StrengthStendarr’s HammerItem54Legendary LegendarySummon: Double the wielder’s power and health.
The wielder can only attack creatures.
1IntelligenceLame CorprusCreature (Ash Creature)6561Common Common
1AgilityNix-OxCreature (Beast)7551Common CommonSummon: Gain 5 magicka this turn.
1StrengthAspect of HircineCreature (Werewolf, Daedra)9664Legendary LegendarySummon: Choose one:
Strength: +6/+6 and Guard.
Speed: Gains Charge.
1StrengthIntelligenceIntelligenceAgilityDagoth UrCreature (God)12884Legendary LegendaryBreakthrough, Charge, Drain, Guard, Lethal, Ward

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