Current Meta – Face Race?

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Taho 2 months ago
I’m at rank 1 and just one person, so admittedly my sample size is small, but the past 2 days 100% of the decks that I’ve faced have been straight face/aggro decks that utilize pillage minions. There are different flavors, but they are all aggressive. I think my last 3 games were over by turn 6.

One of the reasons why I’ve been playing this more than HS was that I enjoyed the varied meta. Now, it seems people have realized they can play straight face decks to great effect on the ladder. If the meta continues to devolve into the fastest decks wins, I don’t see myself sticking with this game. It doesn’t help that these face decks are much cheaper to build than any sort of control deck. It makes sense that new players looking to rank up would go the cheap aggro route. It’s just not the type of game that I enjoy.

Have you guys also found the meta really speeding up the past couple days?


MacDermot 2 months ago
The meta has always been quite fast, mostly because of some insanely strong early game minions. However, some decks (like the scout-ramp-guard-deck) counter theese decks really well. Thats why it’s called meta game: first one deck is popular, then the dek that is good against that popular deck becomes popular and so on. Always try to stay one step ahead :)

2 Replies
Taho 2 months ago
True, but the Scout Ramp/Guard is deck is very expensive :) When you are first starting out, you don’t have many options.

MacDermot 2 months ago
Hah, I know right. I can’t build it either but I made a budget alternative that works (55-65% winrate) in rank 5 atleast.

DWMaje 1 month ago
Quite frankly the meta is trash. When I played Hearthstone I lost most my games to more of RNG. In Legends I lose to aggro because it really doesn’t have a downside to it. Other than having some sense of dignity or accomplishment there is no incentive to play anything outside of aggro. Prophecy isn’t enough to count on when your opponent knows you’re screwed on draw or mulligan and they’re playing 18-20 removal items in aggro (which is also completely stupid).

Granted it’s in beta, but if they thought nerfing Mantikora was a step in the right direction then that tells you what they’re thinking. Aggro players complained all day about Mantikora yet it’s a 6/6 guard that can be targeted by anything and dies to lethal just like everything else. For 10 mana it was supposed to halt an offense but since aggro players whined they figured it would be best to force an aggro world in the game. The attitude is if you can’t beat em join em and it’s making people so happy…..which is a matter of opinion.

I think the game has great potential but if the intent is to cater to a crowd of aggro, miserly, BM cream filled players then it’s not going to get any better. Aggro has a place in any card game but it should not be the posterchild for the entire game.

1 Reply
Paly_Noob 4 weeks ago
I agree with you re the Mantikora nerf, but if you compare TESL to HS agro, this game’s meta is far from “trash.”

There’s still plenty of decks here that wreck agro and plenty of great prophecy cards that smack SMOrc in the face.

DWMaje 5 days ago
You can disagree and I’m fine with that. It doesn’t take away from the fact of statistics showing aggro is what consistently reached legend and more importantly high legend. Between Youtube, Twitch and simply doing the math while playing you can see what is used and what is more successful. I stand behind my comment based off of observation and doing the math not just opinion. Besides, if the meta was as great as you insist there wouldn’t be the “nerfs” incoming and especially the ones that hit Agility.

At the end of the day aggro decks and especially Action Assassin had more play and win rate than most any other decks and archetype. That is not opinion that is fact. What also is fact is most those decks especially action assassin received no nerfs and will play just as it has been. Decks also with Soulrest Marshall will also be just fine because playing 12 mana worth of cards on turn 4 and 5 is also balanced I take it. Prophecy is not strong enough in consistency to say it will save you from face and Hexmage decks. If they nerf the right cards the true shift in meta will occur.

You can also downvote this as well but you can’t truly say I’m lying. This comes from a person who mains Priest in HS. I’m aware of the cancer there as well. However, I can better deal with braindead shaman aggro more than the current state of this game.

1 Reply
Paly_Noob 2 days ago
I never said the meta was “great” – I said if you compare TESL to HS aggro, this game’s meta is far from “trash.” Big difference. Furthermore, the Agility nerfs are Tazkad, House Kinsman and Werebat, hardly the cards I’d think of as TESL’s troublesome aggro cards.

You bring up Soulrest Marshall, yet another card I don’t consider aggro. You can make the argument it still needs a further nerf, but you keep bringing up cards to make your argument that don’t make sense to me. Perhaps you and I have a different definition of the term “aggro”?

That wasn’t me who down-voted you, but the fact that someone did leads me to believe I’m not off base with my criticisms of your OP. And if you think HS>TESL, in any respect, that tells me all I need to know.

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