Legends:Gardener of Swords

Gardener of Swords
Creature (Redguard)
LG-card-Gardener of Swords.png
Deck code IDgP
Card SetLG-icon-Promotional.png Madhouse Collection
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png3
AttributeIntelligence Intelligence
PowerPower 1HealthHealth 1
RarityRare Rare
When you equip an item to another creature, equip a copy of it to Gardener of Swords.

Gardener of Swords is a rare Intelligence creature card. It is available as part of the Madhouse Collection.


When summoned:

“You’d best stay on the marked path.”

“I tend the sharpest looking lawn in these isles.”

When attacking:

“Keep off the grass!”

“Keep off the grass now!”


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